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August 31, 2020

There are various practical reasons that we all enjoy clothes, but certain kinds of clothing can just make us feel happy inside. Why and when does that happen? If you’ve ever wondered how clothing can improve your mood, we have some insight that could answer your questions.

Comfy Clothes for Relaxing

Does the concept of warm pajama pants fresh out of the dryer give you a sudden urge to do laundry? Comfy clothes are the perfect way to reward yourself after a long day of hard work or chores. Relaxing after stressful days is important for both physical and mental health, and the clothes you wear can help switch your mindset from work to relaxation. Reset your mind at the end of the day with cozy clothing, so you’re ready for tomorrow!

Looking Good and Feeling Confident

When you find the right clothes that make you feel good, your confidence will grow. You don’t just need nice clothes for dinner parties and interviews—dressing up on random occasions can help your self-esteem too. Dressing up doesn’t have to involve suits or mermaid dresses, either. It can be as simple as donning a sundress or a polo shirt. Remember that you are your most important audience member. If your clothes make you feel happy, it shouldn’t matter what other people think. The more you practice picking out clothes that make you look and feel good, the more confident you’ll feel, and the easier it will become to drone out any naysayers’ voices.

Color Coordination

The color of your clothing can matter when it comes down to mood. Wearing brighter colors can shift you into a more positive mood very quickly. Of course, this won’t always be the case for every individual. Some people are simply happier wearing black and gray. If you love darker colors, try livening up your wardrobe with a bright accessory that compliments your mood.

Coordinating wardrobe colors with the seasons can also increase happiness. If it suits you better, pick colors that have a dissonance with the current season, such as wearing bright colors in the winter. Whichever colors you choose, make sure they make you happy.

Retail Therapy

You may have heard of retail therapy, where people buy things to give themselves a boost of happiness during a trying time. While this method is a popular reasoning of how clothing can improve your mood, you should take careful measures to make sure you can afford everything you decide to purchase. Clothes are an easy way to fill your thoughts with quick little purchases, especially through sales. If anything in your wardrobe is out of date or if you need clothes for a specific interest such as working out, consider buying new clothes to improve your mood.

Outdoor clothing can last a long time, making it a meaningful purchase for anyone craving something new. You can use these items seasonally, during travel, and during workouts. At Escape Outdoors, we have all the best outdoor lifestyle clothing brands to satisfy any customer with the shopping itch.

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